Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Wheels (The Day Bryce Gage Slept In)

Getting skunked and rained on three days straight aint fun. An entire wardrobe cycle. A ruined 50mm f1.4 sitting in the bin. James Cakes quit bodyboarding twice. So we threw down on a whim, Cakes unfastened the noose and Bryce Gage (Fever auxilary angle) enjoyed a few extra zeds. Six foot nuggan and empty. Finlay did so many jumps he rolled in and threw up on the rocks.


  1. i surfed bridge wedge solo before work this morning. no shit

  2. so sick, that first forward is craazy

  3. You wouldn't have shot water anyway Sad-dog, it was maxing haha.
    Love love
